Friday, February 27, 2009

Argentina - The Sandwich Intervention

Dear Argentina,

We need to talk. About your obsession with sandwiches. Now I love sandwiches as much as or more than the next person, but you´ve taken it to a pathological level.

Let´s start with your triples. They are very upsetting. There is so much more you could do with a sandwich than square layers of sanddust tasting white bread with the crusts cut off with probably unrefrigerated ham and overly salty cheese. And for heaven´s sake, let´s go easy on the mayo, shall we?

And when you´re not mass producing the triples on a frightening scale, you´re putting full, otherwise appealing meals onto bread and calling it a sandwich. Like the lomito. Steak is amazing as a main course. Why can´t you leave it be? Put down the white flour, put down the yeast. The white bread is not a plate... you don´t have to serve everything on it.

I just wanted you to know that I´m concerned. Sandwiches can be amazing, delicious meals when employed with some discretion and tasty toppings. Just not for every meal, ok?



P.S. And seriously, lay off the triples. I may never want ham and cheese again.

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