Cast of Characters

Welcome! And allow me to introduce the cast of characters of this voyage.

Starring as themselves...


I am from Ottawa, Canada. My favourite season is autumn. I hates peas. I have a phobia about playground slides and refuse to clean the house without music blaring. I have been known to regularly boycott New Year's Eve and disagree with kitten-heeled flipflops. I excel at team trivia due to my uncanny ability to remember arcane and irrelevant information. Meanwhile, I cannot find my house keys most of the time.


Mehron and I have known each other since grad school. Or maybe middle school. It's still being debated. We knew each other by sight having gone to different middle schools in the same building, but we didn't speak until we met in grad school. She is well-traveled, multilingual and a shameless Sean Paul fan like myself. We have endured endless inconveniences with a sense of humor, so we figured we could do worse than travel around a lot of the world together.

Rob, Mick and Armando

I met Rob, Mick and Armando in Halifax, Canada, while at university. All three of them were in the law school international student exchange program. Rob and Mick are from Australia and Armando is from Mexico. They are the reason that these countries were on my itinerary.
Rob now studies ocean law in Norway for at least 42 days a year in between extravagant "research-related" holidays all over the planet. When Mick is not throwing pennies in the garbage or freaking me out with stories about venomous fauna or the popularity of Vegemite Down Under, he is finishing his law degree. Armando is a lawyer in Mexico City and maintains there is no such thing as too much tequila. They're a lot of fun.

Mike and Ashley

Mike is my cousin and Ashley is his fiance. I put their hospitality to the test during their year in New Zealand. We enjoy many common hobbies: committing Monopoly-based fraud and embezzlement, completing team crossword puzzles, taking many snack breaks and funny photos, and Ashley not having migraines. Don't even get us started on Settlers of Catan or we'll never leave the house.


We've been friends since high school. Everybody likes Margaux. One of her best skills is making a beeline through massive crowds of people. More importantly, she loves to cook and I love her cooking. Sometimes we take the game Simon Says too far. Eg: Simon Says quit your job and take off on extravagant travels.


We've been friends since university. Like me, she is funny, charming and modest. Unlike me, she’s Type A and incredible at everything she tries, but since I’m Type B, it doesn’t make me feel inferior. At least, not much. Her intuition and on-the-ballness counterbalance my absent-mindedness and tendency toward clumsiness. Example: she pays attention when I cross the road.